Friday, May 24, 2013

If they made a movie it would star Owen Wilson, my friend tony would the indian guy from the movie "The One who Flew over the Coo Coos nest, my friend Anthony would be Bam Margera, my friend Joe would be Malon Brando, my friend Nick would be Wii Man, and my friend shane would be the rapper from linkin park
Nick Riga
Anthony Stephens
Joe Cat
Shane Walton
Jeremy Taylor(Me)
Tony Martini
Lol Hahaha

Thursday, May 23, 2013

If I were to go back to the beggining of the year and change everything. I would not get this job. Since I got the job Im always tired. It has put alot of stress on my mind. And I do not do well with stress at all. Ive delt with deppression and anger issues. But I might have been the same way before I got the job, I dont remember. But I like the money too much to quit. This is why I dont believe in currency. It has been the main cause of the many of the worlds problems and puts unnecessary stress on people. Or maybe I need to grow up a little bit more. I dont know. And I dont care.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

If I were to be on a television show. It would be Bully Beatdown. And I would be the guy who beats the crap out of of the douchebags who plauge our nation. That show was a great service to our world. Putting the idiotic pesilence of america in their place. Cause when I see someone getting bullied or being put down, it makes me sick. And I automattically hate you. You are whats wrong with world. You are the ones who deserve to die, to be put in a oil barrell with a fire underneath. Burened alive. But I think Im getting a little carried away. But I do believe that those people should be put in there place. The self absorbed ignerent mass of stupidity that festers our world like a forest fire. They are the cause I am the effect, waiting to put out like a campfire with a bucket of water being poured on them. Floating into the sky to become a cloud. But the sad thing is it will be back when it rains. It only gets worse.