Thursday, May 16, 2013

If I were to be on a television show. It would be Bully Beatdown. And I would be the guy who beats the crap out of of the douchebags who plauge our nation. That show was a great service to our world. Putting the idiotic pesilence of america in their place. Cause when I see someone getting bullied or being put down, it makes me sick. And I automattically hate you. You are whats wrong with world. You are the ones who deserve to die, to be put in a oil barrell with a fire underneath. Burened alive. But I think Im getting a little carried away. But I do believe that those people should be put in there place. The self absorbed ignerent mass of stupidity that festers our world like a forest fire. They are the cause I am the effect, waiting to put out like a campfire with a bucket of water being poured on them. Floating into the sky to become a cloud. But the sad thing is it will be back when it rains. It only gets worse.


  1. Personally, i've never seen the show. But I think it's cool that there is something like that so those people can be publicly humiliated (: You make a good point! Maybe had been a little carried away with the death stuff, but ehh.

  2. I always get carried away with whatever Im doing. lol
